The Art of Building a 6 Figure Hair Extension Business
Have you been wanting to get a hair business started of your own, but don’t know where to start? Now is the time! This workshop is designed to bring out the EntrepreneuHER in you! As Akron’s first virgin hair extension boutique, I have learned a lot about the hair extension business over the years. I have helped launch numerous of hair brands for stylists, salon owners, celebrities and hair entrepreneurHER’s just like you. Being my 10th year in business, I felt it is time to spread my knowledge with the masses. The hair business is a billion dollar industry—It’s room for us all! Find out how you can sell upwards of $100,000 in hair extensions a year. You can be living your dream life very soon working smarter not harder! Ready to get started??? Great!!
At this workshop you will RECEIVE:
1. Full access to our wholesale program.
2. Step by step guidance while building your very own customized Website at the workshop!
3. Marketing Kit including a Photoshoot(headshot) & 3 bundles of hair.
4. One on One coaching consultations after the class to guide you along the way and help you stay on task.
5.Top secret tips and tricks on how to build your brand and sell your hair faster.
You will walk out of this class with your website up and running ready to accept hair orders the very same day. We have tons of resources to help you. Resources for logos, website and brand setup, you can buy hair wholesale from us at the class and so much more!
This workshop is private No photos or video.
Ready to get started??? Your dream life is waiting on you. Stop procrastinating and Register now!